Hunger is to crave something that we lack as when my stomach growls it is letting me know that it needs to be filled with food.
When I am thirsty, I greatly desire water to quench my parched mouth and body. We fully understand that to hunger and
to thirst is to desire that which we perceive to be satisfying. Our bodies will continue day by day to motivate us to seek out what
it needs for nourishment and sustenance. Of course, we do not always pursue the best options to provide for our body’s needs…
because in life we also hunger and thirst for the pursuit of temporary happiness. I may not need that cheeseburger, fries, and a
soft drink, but I I have another hunger that helps to convince me that this will be more satisfying for the moment. Yet, the next time
I drive through town I hunger and thirst for the same thing time after time again, and they never truly satisfy.
Actually we experience a life full of pursuing after things, hungering for, thirsting for, and desiring that which just makes us want
more again and again… never truly being satisfied. Although we are born into a world that programs us to believe that the ultimate
goal in life is to pursue our own happiness… Jesus’ is instructing that happiness comes to those that desire after righteousness.
That which is right and pleasing to God. The one who hungers and thirst after righteousness is definitely one who will be in the
kingdom of Christ, and they shall be filled.
But, with out God’s help, mercy, and grace in Jesus Christ, it is impossible to please God. To even have the want of repentance,
and to hunger after righteousness takes the sovereign act of God on your behalf. Paul tells us in Rom. 3:11 that, “there is none that
understands, or seeks after God”. Each person must come to Jesus Christ for salvation, but it is not within our nature to desire God
and want to come to Him. So for one to even hunger and thirst after righteousness and be blessed… one must turn to God from
ones sin to faith, in the one and only savior Jesus Christ, who died for our sin and rose again on the third day, and ascended to the
right hand of the Father. All of this is done by God’s grace, and mercy to His Glory.
Romans 10:4 “For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes”… “If you confess with your mouth Jesus
is Lord and believe in you heart that God raised Him from the dead you will be saved; For with the heart a person believes
resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation… For whoever will call on the name of the Lord
will be saved” (Romans 10:9-13 NASB). Seeking Jesus Christ is to hunger and to thirst after righteousness!
All rights reserved 2023 JL.